What is a community? A real community cares deeply about one another and works closely together towards a common purpose. A community should understand the needs of one another and fulfill them to flourish and grow. The “Light for All” Foundation hosted another successful Medical/Dental mission this past July (July 3rd- July 7th, 2023) in Quezon City.
The residents of the surrounding area were all invited to come and receive FREE medical, and dental attention, and services. LfA was also providing FREE ongoing awareness seminars while they waited to see the doctors. “Nutrition/Holistic Educational” was provided on how to prevent disease, improve nutrition, balance hormones, and make better food choices to improve their quality of life. The seminar focused on a “holistic approach” to healing our mind, body, and spirit. The total 237 patients were very thankful for all the help they received and felt cared for in every aspect of their life, not just their medical needs.