Our Activities

1. Empowering Girls through Sponsoring Them

Light for All works with the local government and other NGOs to provide basic needs, education, and psycho-social interventions to sponsored girls, who experienced physical, sexual, and/or domestic violence. We aim at fighting gender-based violence and domestic abuse.


Through such interventions, the sponsored girls are empowered and can become leaders in their own community and regularly conduct outreach activities, street education, and life coaching to other youth in the community.

2. Parenthood and Child Development

Light for All works closely with the local government units to organize and conduct a series of consultative focus group discussions with groups of women in different communities to identify the topics of interest in parenthood and child development.

This is followed by a series of sessions to women to introduce them to the best practices of parenthood and important facts about child development. More than 40 women have attended these sessions since started in 2019. Twenty trainers participated in planning and conducting the sessions.

3. Women Empowerment

Women engagement, empowerment, and behavior change are the core and backbone of what Light for All is doing. Since its establishment, and through its trained community mobilizers, the organization managed to reach more than 80 women.

We provide different training sessions, role plays, group activities, and community-based assessment exercises and activities, to change norms and behaviors, improve self-esteem, introduce women to effective habits, and empower them to challenge domestic and gender-based violence.

4. Income-Generating Activities

Light for All trains women on different skills and encourage them to use these skills in producing attractive products that they can sell to the community members in their neighborhoods to generate income. Among the skills learned are cooking, baking, handicrafts, photography, and video/photo editing. We aim at empowering youth through vocational training. In addition, trained ladies are encouraged to save the profit and/or use it to fulfill their personal needs. More than 30 women engaged in this activity since its start in 2020. Since the pandemic started in 2020, with many men losing their sources of income, Light for All has worked closely with the heads of households of 10 families to generate income by providing them with bikes for goods delivery and transportation. Moreover, we provided part-time jobs.

5. Preparing Qualified Teachers

As teachers are one of the most influential and powerful forces for equity, access, and quality in education, supported and qualified teachers are one of our priorities. Through reinforcing SDG 4 (quality education), which has a target calling for a substantial increase in qualified teachers, we contribute to teachers and educators being empowered, adequately recruited, well-trained, professionally qualified, motivated, and supported. We provide courses on ICT skills, soft skills, and 7 habits of leadership and provide access to high-quality education.

6. Medical Missions

Light for All has planned and conducted more than seven medical missions to get medical services to those who are in need among the disadvantaged population in remote areas in different parts of Manila. Each medical mission consisted of a group of local and international volunteered health service providers specialized in different medical fields. Each medical mission was accompanied by a pharmacist and mobile drug dispensing unit. In addition, medical missions have examined and treated more than 5400 patients in different provinces. Moreover, Light for All has established a dental care unit, which receives patients weekly.