Income Generation Activities
October 2020
This was an initiative by LfA to support men, who were laid off by the respective employers, in generating minimum income. LfA provided them with bicycles to join delivery services and to use them as vehicle of transportation to their jobs, as there was no public transportation because of the pandemic . The bicycles provided in subsidized cost to be paid on one year installments.
May 2020
During the pandemic, many people lost their jobs, and Light for All Foundation stepped in to help. The foundation launched a program to train women in rug-making, equipping them with the skills needed to earn a livelihood. To support their efforts, LFA also provided the necessary materials to help them get started.
March 2020
As the pandemic led many people to rely on online orders for food and essentials, the Light for All Foundation saw an opportunity to help. In response to the economic challenges faced by families, LFA started a baking class where women from the community learned to make banana bread, pastillas, and polvoron. This initiative enabled them to sell these products and create a source of income.
November 2021
This course was designed to support women in generating income during the pandemic lockdown imposed by the government. The manicure and pedicure training was selected based on the interests of women and ability to be conducted from home. Additionally, LFA provided each participant with a starter kit to help them begin their work immediately.
July 2022
Miriam Identity, Spirituality and Mission Office (MISMO) of Miriam College in partnership with LFA conducted a series of 2-hour weekly sessions for the LFA women beneficiaries. The sessions were conducted and facilitated by Prof. Anne Carmel David, a professor of Business Marketing in Miriam College in July-August 2022. The sessions were designed to increase the self-esteem and confidence of women and acquire knowledge and skills required to plan and implement their own income generating activities.
October 2024
After conducting a community needs analysis, it became evident that the women in the community is in need of financial opportunities. In response, LFA partnered with the Social Services Development Department of Quezon City to provide training for women on making dishwashing liquid and liquid detergent.